Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Who said video games were just for couch potatoes? My family picked up a Nintendo Wii just before Christmas and it has been a blast so far. How did we get it, you ask? Well, I have to give all the credit to my lovely wife, Andrea. I heard through the grapevine that at least 20 would be at our local Circuit City and Andrea (on her way to get her hair done) graciously stopped by and was fortunate to be number 18 in line and the store actually got 21 Wiis (and hasn’t had anymore readily available since).

This thing is great. The best game so far is Wii Sports which simulates different sports with the “Wiimote”. Basically, to swing a bat, you swing the Wiimote, to throw a punch you motion like you’re fighting, to golf, you swing like you’re golfing. The most exciting thing is this has actually helped my son hit a baseball!!!!! Before we purchased the Wii my four year old son, Christopher, could not hit a baseball. Not even once. Initially on the Wii, he also would swing and miss, but he kept trying and eventually got the timing down. The other day, I decided to go out to the yard to see if any of this had transferred to the real thing….guess what, out of about 12 pitches I threw to him, he hit EIGHT!!!!!! As you could imagine, I was ecstatic!

It also seems to appeal to everyone. My brother-in-law, who is about 50 never played video games before. I brought the Wii over for Christmas and was playing golf and he asked to try. After a few matches, he really got into it and now is searching for one for himself!

It also is a great workout, especially boxing. Once, I figure out how to post a video, I’ll do so, so you can see how crazy but fun this thing is. I’ll also post some Miis (little characters that you make that play the games). Some really look like their counterparts (particularly the one of my brother, Ricky and brother-in-law Roy). Adult and child alike….Wii for the Win!!!!!