Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Don't Vote

Saturday, I had a conversation with my two brothers-in-law regarding the upcoming elections. One of the sad truths that I think came from our conversation is our collective feeling that regardless of political affiliation, the Dems and Pubs seemingly could care less about what you and I think (and when I say “you and I”, I mean Americans regardless of race,
gender, ect).

Some of the crazies have taken over the Democratic Party (Howard Dean anyone) though at least (and I am definitely and happily surprised) Nancy Pelosi is pledging to reign them (and herself) in a bit at least for the time being, only time will tell. Hollywood has even shut theircollective mouths for now. The Republicans in most cases seem to just be “yes” men and
women for the current President, offering almost no barrier to some of his clearly failing and flawed policies, even when many of his policies seem to fly in the face of historical Republican beliefs (fiscal responsibility seems to come to mind...) .

While I have gotten really down lately over our current political system (and the Eagles losses…another story…), the best thing that I can do as an American is make sure that I vote smartly. For far too long, black Americans and other minorities as well as white Americans (particularly in the south) have just reflexively pulled the lever of their forefathers having no clue why or whom they are voting for. I’m guilty myself of doing that early on.

The fact is, that after primaries in most states, you can vote for whomever you want, Democrat, Republican, Independant, Libertarian, Green Party, whatever. There is a reason why we are stuck with this failing two party system and it is because too many people vote based on family history and not on facts.

I found a great website that will save you a lot of time in researching your candidates. It’s . I agree totally with its premise which is don’t vote for a handsome face, cute slogan, because “I’m black and should vote Democrat”, or from the south and should vote Republican…ect. Look at the issues and vote for the person or people that represent your way
of thinking and your view of the issues. It has links to each candidate's web site and other helpful info.

This 2006 election is every bit as important as the 2008 Presidential Election as President Bush has a full 2 years remaining in his term. Congress is essentially up for grabs. The decision you make now will not only impact our policies for the next two years, but will have a definite impact on what is likely to happen in our next (and maybe most important) Presidential Election. Remember, you are not a Republican or a Democrat….you are an American. Make your decision accordingly.


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