BREAKING NEWS: Bonds used steroids...

Have you had enough yet? I sure have. Now we have a new book that conveniently drops right before the baseball season and right before Mr. Bonds is set to pass Babe Ruth. I am so annoyed with all of these people acting so outraged about this Barry Bonds steroid thing. Where were these people when Mark McGuire was hitting 1000 homeruns in a season??? Why were there no federal investigations then??? The truth is that baseball was in danger of falling off the face of the earth after their strike and STEROIDS brought them back.
I’ll be the first to admit it. I am not nor have I ever been a big baseball fan (never had much to root for being from Philly). However, when Big Mac and Sosa were going at it, I paid rapt attention. Same goes for when Barry hit 73 homeruns. Those three steroid using “cheaters” brought our alleged national pastime back. I always chuckle when people bring up Barry’s amazing muscle gain. Again, where were these people when McGuire hit his homeruns looking like the Incredible Hulk in St. Louis after looking like Bruce Banner for most of his years in Oakland. And don't get me started on Roger Clemens. How is it that this bulked up 40 year old, who is achieving more now than he did in his 30's is receiving NO scrutiny? This despite the fact that surprisingly the majority of caught steroid users have been Pitchers and despite the fact that Jose Canseco says in his book that he and Clemens discussed steroids and despite the fact that he has undergone the same change of body (muscle gain) late in his career as all of these other guys........
Now, Bud Selig has launch an investigation, focusing on Mr. Bonds. Well, be careful what you ask for. Do you really think the Giants didn’t know about Bonds? Do you really think that Bud Selig and the baseball establishment didn’t know or at least strongly suspect all of these guys??? My guess is they secretly encouraged or at least looked the other way making billions in the process and resurrecting a dying sport. And now they have a perfect fall guy, the man we all love to hate….Bonds.
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