Thursday, March 30, 2006

Congresswomen Gone Wild

I don’t know if she’s fighting for us, but she certainly is fighting…. Yesterday, she decked a Capitol Hill Security guard. Her reasoning….she was rushing to a meeting and he should have recognized her. I’m sure very shortly (if it hasn’t happened already) this will deteriorate into a race issue since the guard was white.

Here are the facts. Congress members do not go through the metal detectors. However, since there are approximately 535 congress and senate members, they are required to wear a pin or badge identifying themselves. Apparently, the Honorable (term loosely used) McKinney rarely wears her pin and recently changed her hairstyle. When she bypassed security, the guard asked her to stop several times and was continuously ignored. Finally, he grabbed her shoulder to speak to her and she (with cell phone in hand) punched him in the stomach.

To be fair, she has allegedly made several complaints about black members of Congress being subjected to searches or not recognized, but even if that were the case, I’d think that a member of Congress, white, black or purple would be above slugging a police officer in the stomach for apparently doing his job.

Maybe if she followed protocol and wore her pin or badge or ID this would not have happened. It really grates on my nerves when our black folks (Oprah anyone) don’t follow the rules and then cry racism when someone tries to apply the rules. Maybe it was racist, maybe not, but you cannot be credible when you were the one not following the rules.

Apparently, the whole thing was caught on video and Congresswomen McKinney is running for re-election this year. Can’t wait for those ads: Cynthia McKinney on national security (insert video clip)

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Kee Spot

Check out The Kee Spot , for great movie reviews and discussion on the hottest topics.

Disclaimer of course....all commentary in The Kee Spot is attributed to The Kee Spot and though I may or may not agree are not attributable to me or the PITt.

Immigration 101

I know this may not be popular to some, but this is my view in light of Congress’ push for a bill making status as an illegal alien a felony. I have heard and read of illegal aliens, primarily Mexicans, comparing their plight to that of Blacks and Women by saying that this is their revolution. I see a few very large and overriding differences.

Black and female citizens of the United States of America were denied the right to vote or to buy land or to marry freely or many other freedoms that other citizens shared. These same blacks and females had to pay taxes, had to have insurance, were subject to our criminal laws, could be sued, and could generally be held accountable for their actions both positive and negative. Can the same argument be made for illegal aliens?

Remember, this argument is not about closing the borders to LEGAL immigrants, the argument is for enforcing our current laws. They are called illegal aliens for a reason……they are breaking our nation’s laws. Blacks and women are legal citizens who were systematically denied rights without breaking any laws. The same cannot be said for illegal aliens.

But what about the fact that these immigrants build our houses and places of work, worship, and dining? What about the fact that they, as Mr. Bush stated, “Do jobs that Americans wont’ do?” Look at how much money they save Americans in housing costs….the argument goes.

How much of your tax money is paying to subsidize medical costs for uninsured and illegal immigrants? How much of your property tax is subsidizing education for illegal children? How much has your insurance costs risen due to the fact that there are illegal drivers driving around with no driver’s license, insurance, or social security information.

In addition, illegal immigrants often get away with offenses for which citizens would be liable. For example, when I served as a Special Assistant US Attorney in Georgia there were several times when I had illegal aliens come in on violations ranging from falsified IDs, traffic violation (no drivers license/insurance), assault or even theft. In most of those cases I had to contact INS and the response was usually the same….just let them go. We couldn’t fine them or put them in the system because they had no information and apparently it would be too much of a strain on the system to prosecute these individuals for non felony violations….of course there is no such strain when it comes to prosecuting me and you.

Finally, what is the end game of allowing illegal immigrants to stay. Bush proposes (in order to benefit business) that we give illegals that are already here work permits that will expire and they can apply for citizenship then. I doubt that is his aim is liberty and justice for all. He wants to encourage a working underclass in this country to the benefit of (once again) the RICH. Who suffers as a result? The poor who don’t benefit by low housing cost because they often cannot afford to buy houses anyway. The middle class by increased taxation and health and auto insurance premiums.

In closing, if illegal aliens were not building houses, would houses not be built? Of course they would, and lower to middle class Americans would be building them. We are a nation of immigrants but we are also a nation of laws. All I ask is that we actually start enforcing them.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

BREAKING NEWS: Bonds used steroids...

Have you had enough yet? I sure have. Now we have a new book that conveniently drops right before the baseball season and right before Mr. Bonds is set to pass Babe Ruth. I am so annoyed with all of these people acting so outraged about this Barry Bonds steroid thing. Where were these people when Mark McGuire was hitting 1000 homeruns in a season??? Why were there no federal investigations then??? The truth is that baseball was in danger of falling off the face of the earth after their strike and STEROIDS brought them back.

I’ll be the first to admit it. I am not nor have I ever been a big baseball fan (never had much to root for being from Philly). However, when Big Mac and Sosa were going at it, I paid rapt attention. Same goes for when Barry hit 73 homeruns. Those three steroid using “cheaters” brought our alleged national pastime back. I always chuckle when people bring up Barry’s amazing muscle gain. Again, where were these people when McGuire hit his homeruns looking like the Incredible Hulk in St. Louis after looking like Bruce Banner for most of his years in Oakland. And don't get me started on Roger Clemens. How is it that this bulked up 40 year old, who is achieving more now than he did in his 30's is receiving NO scrutiny? This despite the fact that surprisingly the majority of caught steroid users have been Pitchers and despite the fact that Jose Canseco says in his book that he and Clemens discussed steroids and despite the fact that he has undergone the same change of body (muscle gain) late in his career as all of these other guys........

Now, Bud Selig has launch an investigation, focusing on Mr. Bonds. Well, be careful what you ask for. Do you really think the Giants didn’t know about Bonds? Do you really think that Bud Selig and the baseball establishment didn’t know or at least strongly suspect all of these guys??? My guess is they secretly encouraged or at least looked the other way making billions in the process and resurrecting a dying sport. And now they have a perfect fall guy, the man we all love to hate….Bonds.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Pimps everywhere Rejoice!

Three 6 Mafia wins the Oscar for Best Song. Times are changing. In a shocker, the rap group pulled off one of the greatest upsets in Oscar history with the song “It’s Hard Out Here For a Pimp” from the movie Hustle & Flow.

Having actually seen the movie, I think they deserved the Oscar. Many were outraged including the usual suspects on the right….and some on the left such as Al Sharpton who is increasingly moving some of his rhetoric to the center (2008 run anyone??). I think that many of the outraged people did not see the film. If they did, they would know that the song fit this movie just as much as “Eye of the Tiger” fit Rocky.

By the way, I have never understood why Music (particularly Hip-Hop) is so dangerous to our youth, but these violent, sex-filled, curse word laden movies and tv shows are not. Sopranos, Desperate House Wives, Godfather, ect, ect.....Why are these movies/TV shows praised, while a hip-hop song about the same thing is vilified? For that matter, why was this song villified, but the movie that it was about was not?

Personnally, I enjoyed the movie and the song as I enjoy Sopranos, Scarface, Godfather, and yes even Desperate House Wives (you know you watch it too fellas...).
I really don't think this hatred of hip-hop is a racial thing but more of a generational/cultural thing. People hate what they don't understand. But let look at it this way, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro have played more thugs, murderers, womanizers than anyone, but noone would ever say they were what they portray. Why do you think rappers make such good ACTORS (Queen Latifah, Will Smith, Mos Def, LL Cool J, Eve, Ludacris, Ice Cube, Ice T, Snoop Dogg...ok maybe not Snoop, but you get the point). Maybe because it takes a bit of acting to pull their job off, just as it does for our honorable members of SAG. So let's just get a grip and remember its all business.......SHOWBUSINESS.

Friday, March 10, 2006


My Brother recently reminded me that I have not updated my long forgotten blog since September. Well, I’m back and boy do I have a lot to vent about…. Bonds, Baseball, Prez Bush, Democrats and more tune in!

Catch me I'm Falling

I thought the Democrats were supposed to be the one’s fighting against racism, sexism, and every other “ism”. The more I hear from these people the more I really believe that all they stand for is whatever Bush stands against and vice-versa. In the case of the Dubai deal, I partially agree with President Bush (I know, I'm so ashamed...). If President Bush went with the rest of his party and sought to disapprove of the deal, then the Democrats would label him and the Republican Party racist, prejudice, anti-Semitic (Arabs are Semites you know) and every other bad name that Webster knows. But of course, Bush actually backed the deal so instead of it being a racial issue it’s a national security issue. This despite the fact that the United Arab Emirates are one of our few allies over there and despite the fact that they host our Army, Navy, and Air Force in this war.

They also fail to mention that many of our ports, particularly in Los Angeles, are run by foreign countries including CHINA. Last time I checked, China was communist and arguably the greatest real foreign threat from a nation that we have.

I understand the concern for national security, but if anything we should be concerned about all of our ports not just the ones that could fall into (God forbid) an Arab/muslims hands...While we're at it why don't we just break out those concentration camps from WWII that we used on the Japanese. That would really make us all safer.... (sarcasm, no letters please...)

Bottom line, I wonder if this is really their concern or is it all about Bush?

Kerry didn’t win for President, but his wishy washy ways have certainly taken over the Democratic Party. I have always heard that “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything”. Please wake me, when the Democrats stop falling.