Congresswomen Gone Wild

I don’t know if she’s fighting for us, but she certainly is fighting…. Yesterday, she decked a Capitol Hill Security guard. Her reasoning….she was rushing to a meeting and he should have recognized her. I’m sure very shortly (if it hasn’t happened already) this will deteriorate into a race issue since the guard was white.
Here are the facts. Congress members do not go through the metal detectors. However, since there are approximately 535 congress and senate members, they are required to wear a pin or badge identifying themselves. Apparently, the Honorable (term loosely used) McKinney rarely wears her pin and recently changed her hairstyle. When she bypassed security, the guard asked her to stop several times and was continuously ignored. Finally, he grabbed her shoulder to speak to her and she (with cell phone in hand) punched him in the stomach.
To be fair, she has allegedly made several complaints about black members of Congress being subjected to searches or not recognized, but even if that were the case, I’d think that a member of Congress, white, black or purple would be above slugging a police officer in the stomach for apparently doing his job.
Maybe if she followed protocol and wore her pin or badge or ID this would not have happened. It really grates on my nerves when our black folks (Oprah anyone) don’t follow the rules and then cry racism when someone tries to apply the rules. Maybe it was racist, maybe not, but you cannot be credible when you were the one not following the rules.
Apparently, the whole thing was caught on video and Congresswomen McKinney is running for re-election this year. Can’t wait for those ads: Cynthia McKinney on national security (insert video clip)